Today should feel much less stressed than yesterday and a sense that things are turning in the right direction should start to appear on the horizon. Keep relationship pressures away from your heart - realise that worry will not change anything. Turn things around tonight; do something light hearted with friends, see a movie or some other simple thing that makes you happy.
It'll be too late to go watch a movie after class tonight...hopefully I can have a drink with some friends though...
Who Is The Black Chinaman?

- Nick
- Kuala Belait, Brunei
- Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world. For days, sometimes weeks afterwards, you walk the streets, making infinite whatever you see. Once, for a few weeks, I couldn't feel the earth - everything I touched became lighter. Horns played in my shoes. Flowers fell from my pockets. You wonder if you've become immortal, as if you've saved your own life as well. God has passed through you. Why deny it, that for a moment there - why deny that for a moment there, God was you? I realised that my training was useful in less than ten percent of the calls, and saving lives was rarer than that. After a while, I grew to understand that my role was less about saving lives than about bearing witness. I was a grief mop. It was enough that I simply turned up. Living and working back in Brunei, after a 14 year absence... Also known as: Brunei, NASA, Bruise-Eye, Bru, Cheesecake, Nick, BruNick, BruMedNick, Two Step etc etc etc
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