It's amazing what dreams you can times, they're scary, at times, painful, sometimes, pleasant, others still funny...mostly they're lost forever in that little haze...between waking up and going back to is said that dreams occur in the last few minutes of, what could seem like an eternity is in fact only iota of time...(I've been trying to figure out when I could use the word 'iota'...:p)
Anyhow, this dream that dragged me out of my blissful slumber included the x, security work at an extreme situation, two girls I've met in the last week, the x's "boyfriend", Edam cheese, digging holes, and a 63 year old...amongst other on...
It started with a siege situation, a drunk fella holes himself up in a fountain in what looked like Mooloolaba, but it could have been any beach...and he's made one of the security guards drop something, so I was tasked with grabbing the item, a watch, and securing the cordon; but I was told to grab a weapon before I went I got a M16...?!?! WTF?...anyhow, went around this building to flank them, and along the way, there's other security guards (we was in work uniform hey?) were all in little foxholes in concrete and tarmac...and I came around the side just before the side they were on, and told to dig in by this white haired bloke, also in security uniform...he drew a design on the concrete with his boots, but I told him I've been sent to pick up the he brings me to the side where there's this desktop computer, and go through the work roster...I find out he's 63 years old, under the 'H' section...and he's complaining about a location, and saying Redcliffe was a good place to be rostered...
Next thing I know, I'm running around the building, and hiding behind this vista/fountain thing in this courtyard, next to the fountain where there's now like 40 guys in broken down cars and all that....siege situation still...and ran to another security guard on another desktop, with one of the guards in a motorised wheelchair...picked up the watch, put it in my pocket, and started shooting at the guys in the fountain...
Took out a few, then started running dry...but I didn't know because the damned thing kept needing to be recocked, and the safety kept jumping back to safe, as if on a spring, so kept pushing that to single shot...anyhow, stood there, and definitely ran dry, but still aimed at the bad guys, but there were two that I couldn't take down...and it seemed like I was the only one firing...and still having issues with the safety...
Then, walking towards the first guy, to negotiate with him to leaving the premises for causing a disturbance...and somehow saw that he had a hand grenade, and saw that he was going to blow the both of us up, and knew how he was going to do it too, but saw it in the 3rd person camera angle thingy, spinning around the both of us...then there's a grenade in my hand, and at exactly the same moment, both of us pulled pins and jammed them into the shirt pockets of each other; he's surprised that I knew what was coming............
I honestly do not know how the situation resolved itself, but next sequence I was in this apartment, and walked into what was obviously my room, and the x was there, with the boyfriend, sitting, I do not have communications with her in real life, but in the dream I still did, and it was to exchange nasty messages on MSN...not that I want communications with her...but it was still strange...anyhow, hungry, so went to the kitchen, and she's helping me cook pasta, and then something else, and I had to go back to the room to pick up the M16 to clean...and the barrel was rubber, so the weapon bent downward, but the rest of it was real enough...(in the context of the dream anyhow)...walked down the stairs, and was checking the mag and all that, why it kept resetting the safety, and walked into the kitchen and the x was still there...cutting Edam cheese on the board to add to the pasta...but it was a piece that needed to have the fungi cut off it first (I actually threw out a small piece of Edam out last night for fungi growth on too much of it)...then told her boyfriend to go fuck himself, then he has disappeared, and the x and I talk about old times........
Then next thing I know I'm in my room again, with one of the girls I met during the past week...(the girl I do know in real life, and that's how we met, after work one night, and it was, "what are you doing here?...I live here...what are you doing here....I live here too..." sort of situation...more about that later)...anyhow, we ended up in bed, and one thing led to another, as it does...she goes to the bathroom, and another chick that lives around the corner that I work with comes in, and we do the jiggy too (I'm getting more action in my dreams than in real life! Unhappy Jan....!) Then something else happens, and I'm back downstairs with the x in the kitchen...with my M16 in my hand, with the rubber barrel...
I wake up after slamming my foot with the rifle butt...hard...
That has got to be one of the stranger dreams I've had, but I'll admit, I'm surprised myself that I remembered it all...well, most of it anyway...
Now, we return to normal programming...please stand by...
Past week has been interesting...the girl I ran into that lives down the block from me works late hours too, so I'm now going to be looking after her if she's working and I'm finishing work too to give her a lift home...more or less Chris (one of the guards) and I were at this place having some beers after work, ran into her, found out she was working there, had a chat, got more drinks, then it was like, let's get out of to the front, was sitting around chatting, and she comes over and does the whole what are you doing here thing I know we're drinking till 0745...interesting...but yea, she's a pretty cool chick...
Tuesday was working at the Maroochy RSL, and it was boring as all...until we got reports of people on the roof throwing bottles down...and had to search the roof and construction site for them...all fun...
Thursday got into a little altercation, causing a chick to slam her head into the metal poles (she pushed me, I pushed back, just happened to be a pole right behind her, and "BONGGGGG"...still feel like shit, even though she was a bitch who swung at us with a chair)...and having a guy do GBH on a was a right royal mess that was in the end...
The new super at Redcliffe I've worked with before at Eagle Farm, and he's a good bloke, so we'll see how that's going to go in the next few weeks...
Right, got to go get ready...been told to go to the office; apparently there's a request from head office that I need to redo my tax information...was told this on Friday, so it's nothing urgently urgent...
Be safe...and stay tuned, for more crazy adventures from Nick...who needs the movies with psychotic dreams like that (says Lee...)?
Who Is The Black Chinaman?

- Nick
- Kuala Belait, Brunei
- Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world. For days, sometimes weeks afterwards, you walk the streets, making infinite whatever you see. Once, for a few weeks, I couldn't feel the earth - everything I touched became lighter. Horns played in my shoes. Flowers fell from my pockets. You wonder if you've become immortal, as if you've saved your own life as well. God has passed through you. Why deny it, that for a moment there - why deny that for a moment there, God was you? I realised that my training was useful in less than ten percent of the calls, and saving lives was rarer than that. After a while, I grew to understand that my role was less about saving lives than about bearing witness. I was a grief mop. It was enough that I simply turned up. Living and working back in Brunei, after a 14 year absence... Also known as: Brunei, NASA, Bruise-Eye, Bru, Cheesecake, Nick, BruNick, BruMedNick, Two Step etc etc etc
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