Following another stabbing on a Greyhound bus to Winnipeg, I don't think I really feel like going to Canada...on account I might get stabbed on a bus...lots of fun...
This weekend past was enjoyable...a whole heap of quotable quotes from a lot of people...
Firstly also, Friday was International Talk Like A Pirate was quite fun at work...unfortunately, was told right at the start, in spoken conversation between guards, piratese is okay, but it is not over the radios...there were still random Yhargs and Yo Ho Ho's though...hehe...and the threat of keelhauling someone did help in the taxi it was very comical...
Anyhow, one of the quotable quotes (QQ) comes from Friday was about 2200, and got called outside to a disturbance in the taxi line...there was this one guy who didn't want to pay his taxi fare of $13.50/tried to pay only with a $10 more or less went outside and said, "Mate, what's going on here...etc etc"...and the guy then took out two $20 notes and tried to give it to the taxi driver, the guy's like, "Mate, now you've given me too much, anyway, here's your change..."
So this guy tried to come in; Todd and I both agreed that he wasn't coming in already from that display outside, and Col got informed too, so we were all standing thing Todd's talking to him, and going, "Sir, you appear to be unduly intoxicated, and we cannot allow you entry to the premises..."
The guy looks him in the eye and says, "Mate, I'm not drunk, I've been shooting up..." At which point he clearly does the "injecting into arm" movement in view of the camera...and we're like, yup, definitely grounds for refusal of entry...
Another one was this rather large Moari chick...and she was MESSY...and large...anyway, Mick, one of the other guards, was grabbed by her by the jaw, and she's just said to him, "I like you, I think you're pretty...I'm going to fuck you..." Mick's starting to panic by this stage, and finally breaks free and dashes off to safety, while Todd is pissing himself laughing in the anyhow, later in the evening, (Todd's still trailing this chick), she comes across Mick again...and says, "Hey, you ran off earlier, I've been trying to find you...want to come watch me piss?" Todd's doing all he can to not roll all over the floor laughing, and Mick's just turned this pale shade of green...needless to say, she was escorted off premises soon after, without Mick...hehe...
Karen also had a fun night on Saturday, with some idiots in a bucks party attempt to one up her...guy comes up, is acting like a goose, so Karen says to him, "You're being disorderly, this is your final warning before we escort you out..." And he pipes up, "I'm 44 years old, and I've seen more shit and done more things than you'll ever done in your life time..." To which Karen replies, "I'M 45...FUCK OFF"...
That's the end of the QQ section for now...
Saturday night was also the last night that Col was working at Redcliffe Leagues as security supervisor...he's taken a new job at the Roma St Watch House as a supervisor there...and he wasn't even at work that night...he was sent to another venue at the last the guards actually organised a small going away party with some food and "a carton of XXXX Gold" with some going away stuff for the boss...what eventually happened was we had four pizzas, two mixed platters, some scotch, lots of rum, Jim Beams, and some Extra Drys...and Col ended up with a card, a police woman's uniform, with matching pink fluffy baton, some furry handcuffs, and a big tub of was actually quite enjoyable, leaving the place at 0400...and we all finished at 0130...the last persons left in the taxi at was a bloody good night...the rain and the fact the Bronco's lost assisted in the getting rid of people...
Sunday was at Corbauld Park Race Course, and ran into Fawksy, from Bathurst!!! He's moved up here two months ago, and been working there since, and yea, was walking down the stairs into the security office, and there he is and we're both like, "What the fuck are you doing here?!" Well, he's there now, sort of know where he lives, and yea, it's a small bloody world....
Got a six day rotation this week...should mean a bit of $$$ too...tonight at Maroochydore RSL, trying my hardest to change the Thursday shift to Kings Beach Tavern for a revue, but not too sure just yet...and the weekend is the usual locations in the world...
Anyhow, better get something to eat...some grilled snags sound good actually...and I've got this inkling for New York Baked Cheesecake.......damnit...
Who Is The Black Chinaman?

- Nick
- Kuala Belait, Brunei
- Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world. For days, sometimes weeks afterwards, you walk the streets, making infinite whatever you see. Once, for a few weeks, I couldn't feel the earth - everything I touched became lighter. Horns played in my shoes. Flowers fell from my pockets. You wonder if you've become immortal, as if you've saved your own life as well. God has passed through you. Why deny it, that for a moment there - why deny that for a moment there, God was you? I realised that my training was useful in less than ten percent of the calls, and saving lives was rarer than that. After a while, I grew to understand that my role was less about saving lives than about bearing witness. I was a grief mop. It was enough that I simply turned up. Living and working back in Brunei, after a 14 year absence... Also known as: Brunei, NASA, Bruise-Eye, Bru, Cheesecake, Nick, BruNick, BruMedNick, Two Step etc etc etc
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