Who Is The Black Chinaman?

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Kuala Belait, Brunei
Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world. For days, sometimes weeks afterwards, you walk the streets, making infinite whatever you see. Once, for a few weeks, I couldn't feel the earth - everything I touched became lighter. Horns played in my shoes. Flowers fell from my pockets. You wonder if you've become immortal, as if you've saved your own life as well. God has passed through you. Why deny it, that for a moment there - why deny that for a moment there, God was you? I realised that my training was useful in less than ten percent of the calls, and saving lives was rarer than that. After a while, I grew to understand that my role was less about saving lives than about bearing witness. I was a grief mop. It was enough that I simply turned up. Living and working back in Brunei, after a 14 year absence... Also known as: Brunei, NASA, Bruise-Eye, Bru, Cheesecake, Nick, BruNick, BruMedNick, Two Step etc etc etc

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Tainted Love

Sometimes I feel I've got to, run away, I've got to, get away...

I think I saw the x today...was seriously thinking about how the past few days have been, and there was this chick in front of me...if it was her, she's looking good....first time I've seen her in a few months, but hey, considering we have the same days at uni, it was bound to happen sooner than later...

Work so far this week has been interesting...going to be another full week again...with a call up Tuesday night 40 mins before the shift started...there was a wake for a 24 year old who died, and it was my first job solo...I think I did pretty alright, no major hassles, and yea...that was that...

Had an incident in Redcliffe on Friday night at close...more or less what happened was two drunk idiots were on bikes riding around the carpark, and started hassling people in the taxi line, so told them to bugger off...about 15 mins later, this lady comes walking back really quickly saying her partner is being assaulted up the street, and came for help...so, Todd, Col, Nathan, Damien and myself rushed up to the site...and saw one of the idiots run away wearing only his red undies...there was the guy that they kicked in the face; he was messed up: blood cascading down his face, both cheeks and eyes swollen, and he had the other guy locked up in a headlock saying "this is one of the bastards that kicked me in the head"...needless to say, the guy was looking pretty blue by the time we took control of him...anyhow, once we tried to figure out what the hell was going on, young son wannabe superman decides to come back to the scene...out comes the flash light, and the old parade ground voice, and boom: he's got his hands up, drops to his knees and interlaces his fingers behind his head (I think he's done this before)...Todd and I were just shouting at him to get on the ground and not move...Todd sat on him, and this guy, in only his red undies, starts to call Todd a faggot...now, Todd replies back, "Mate, you're in your undies on the side of the road with a 100kg bald guy sitting on your back...who's gay now?" The guy was not happy, but who gives a rats...cops finally came, took control of the two idiots, got the guy who got assaulted to hospital, and left the shorts of red undies kid on the side of the road...the description in my notepad was a classic: "[M3], skinny, red undies."


Apart from that, work's been pretty constant, so that's a good thing I guess...if only uni was as easy as work, things would be so much better...

It was bloody hot too on Tues...28C...16 days into Spring...it's going to be a bloody hot summer I think...also looked at the temperature in Bathurst at the same time...10C...damn it...


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