Who Is The Black Chinaman?

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Kuala Belait, Brunei
Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world. For days, sometimes weeks afterwards, you walk the streets, making infinite whatever you see. Once, for a few weeks, I couldn't feel the earth - everything I touched became lighter. Horns played in my shoes. Flowers fell from my pockets. You wonder if you've become immortal, as if you've saved your own life as well. God has passed through you. Why deny it, that for a moment there - why deny that for a moment there, God was you? I realised that my training was useful in less than ten percent of the calls, and saving lives was rarer than that. After a while, I grew to understand that my role was less about saving lives than about bearing witness. I was a grief mop. It was enough that I simply turned up. Living and working back in Brunei, after a 14 year absence... Also known as: Brunei, NASA, Bruise-Eye, Bru, Cheesecake, Nick, BruNick, BruMedNick, Two Step etc etc etc

Monday, 1 September 2008

Nothing Like Getting Paid To Watch Girls Walk By In Bikinis...

Last week was good...very slow...a drastic change, obviously, from Narangba...didn't get to do the Jim Beam Party Crew, but Miss Indy 2008 Heat 3 did make up for it...:D

Was at the Kings Beach Tavern on Friday night, for Miss Indy...what was funny was that the week before, Sully actually said that they were not going to send me to Miss Indy because I wasn't "mature" enough in the game to do the job, and that's fair enough, they've been in the job a hellova lot longer than I've been alive, so if they're saying no, then it's obviously no...but anyhow, they sent me there weekend past...so getting into that altercation did put me up a few pegs...whoo...

I also got a message from my aunty: she was like, are you ok? Just felt something's up...so, told her about the situation last weekend, and she's like, who's your NoK in case something seriously bad happens...? All organised already anyway, so no issues...the company knows that if the shit hits the fan, they'll call the NoK first, then my sister if it's seriously bad...[touch wood] never going to get to that stage [/touch wood]...but it does feel nice to be worried about by extended family...

Saturday night was back at Redcliffe...haven't been there in yonks (since I started at Narangba), so mostly catching up with all the staff and all the usual stuff...the first grade won that day, so they were in the bar drinking heavily (as they do), and yea, started becoming rowdy...luckily enough, since the club has a policy that if they drink and do stupid things, they'll get kicked off the team automatically...so, the team got given a blanket warning, then slowly started being removed by the manager...all was good...until the taxi line...

Now, how it unfolded was like this: drunk team member starts going off at one of the guards over something that happened months ago...what sparked him off was one patron urinating in the taxi line in front of everyone, and the guard said that it was a bad choice in a bad location...so anyhow, team member starts making a fool of himself, in club shirt still, and starts saying things to the Duty Manager, and the TEAM MANAGER...and actually shoves the team manager away...so anyhow, finally, everyone's like, mate, you're pissed, rack off...walks away finally...all his other team mates had left him ages before...

Anyhow, he comes back a little later, tries to start another guard, and they're like, mate, go away...you do realise that you're now out of camera coverage and that the majority of the staff are here (one of the duty managers was leaving, so it was his last night shift, so drinks after work)...so they were all looking at him, just going, mate, go home...finally, another guard and I escorted drunk son out to the main gates...and then he starts ranting and raving about what the issue was all about...and starts sprouting about how his dad was a Vietnam Vet and all that, and how the security guards were all dicks, except us two, and this and that and blah de blah...finally got him into a taxi (which didn't drive off even with us waving him away to get the dickhead home), but not before he was crying and screaming and carrying on...we just shook our heads and walked back...

Final note: the kids dad was not a Vietnam Vet, he was in the army at the time, yes, but assaulted someone, so actually spent time in prison for the duration, and after as well...got injured whilst in the klink...and was a drunken slob who touched the female bar staff, so obviously that's not on...and then the guy's son, the idiot's brother, started, so they were both kicked out, banned and this kid was carrying on about the injustice about it all...he's got an alternate universe thingy going on...he's now off the team, and banned for life too from the club for threatening staff...idiot...

Going to be in Brisvagas tomorrow night until who knows when to do my RSA...I think I'm getting paid to do the course...I hope so anyway...whoo...

Going back to bed now...still can't sleep, and the new pills don't work as effectively...unfortunately...

Be safe.


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