With my Surefire 6P flashlight...the damned piece of metal saved my life last night...more on that later...
The past week has been an experience, that's for sure...with somethings ticked off the list of things to do before you die, to me being scared shitless again thinking I was about to bloody die...and spending a night in Caboolture Hospital under observation...which, in itself, is something I really do not want to relive either...
During the week, nothing much happened apart from uni...assignments coming up, quizzes, tests etc...
But Friday...man....did Friday start shit...
In the last two days I feel like I've aged considerably, muscles I haven't exercised in years are screaming out in protest, I've got bruises on both arms, my back, chest, ribs, legs and definitely on my head, mostly on my left side near my ear...but also some on the front and back and neck area...
(And once the shit is sorted out, I might even be able to upload some CCTV footage...pending release of course...but man, there's some shit going on in them...)
The takedowns were cool...as was being able to drag a bastard that was 7 foot tall, large and pissed off out the door...but spending the night in hospital, not so cool...as was the concept of being at the bottom of a 12 man dog pile...
So, lets start from the top:
Friday night, at around 2214...a little shithead that was squaring off with me from last week was back in the pub...and he was quite literally a little shithead...he was little, and a shithead...anyhoo, he started pissing off the regulars and some other people, and they were like, please get rid of him before we string him up (the pub is that sort of place), so Max took him outside, and they were in the DOSA having a little chat...then he started to play touchy feely with Max and me....then lunged into me, so I just tackled him straight into a glass door (didn't break luckly), and slammed him into the walls....since I was too close to him, couldn't hit him, but Max managed to get him into a lock....but didn't get both his arms secured, so young son got him a good one between the eyes...that was just funny on the security footage...hehe...Max learned a lesson, I just had puny lumps on the side of my head....nothing much....but a life ban for the little shit...
Within THREE MINUTES of that happening OUTSIDE, there was a major incident INSIDE...some no-ball coward from the UK stuck a female patron with a closed fist to her L ear, causing quite substantial damage and bleeding for her....as you can imagine, all the guys around who saw what happened wanted a piece of the guy, so it was a situation of trying to stop the guys head being smashed in, and everyone else trying to fight each other too...on the security footage he's running out the door, and just piss bolting away into the distance, as you can imagine, he wasn't found.....I think he was running all the way home...cops finally arrived for that one (I forgot to say too, there was the local cop inside with a bunch of other cops celebrating his Bucks Party)...and we kept trying to explain to them that it was two seperate incidents, not the same one as they kept saying it was...annoying at best...
Luckily enough, the last incident did not occur until 0030...where man mountain, seven foot odd, wide as a brick shit house, tried to kill someone else, so, took the two guards and his brother to get him out the door...
Bugger this...read the following report:
Report into incident at XXXX, XXXX, XXXX at 2240 on Saturday, 23 August 2008. Page 1 of 2
(As informed to XXXX by XXXX, XXXX, and CCTV footage.)
At approximately 2240 on Saturday, 23 August 2008, XXXX (233) requested assistance from XXXX (240) to effect removal of [M1], older person, approx 40 years old, blonde hair and goatee, khaki t-shirt, blue jeans from the pool tables in the XXXX Sports Bar. [M2] blue “FOX” t-shirt with ‘fox head’ design, blue jeans was standing around, as was [M3], khaki t-shirt with white long sleeve under shirt pushed to the elbows, blue jeans. M1 was requested to leave the XXXX for being intoxicated and drinking alcohol after being requested to stop by bar staff. DM XXXX was around the pool tables area, as was off duty manager XXXX.
M1 was effectively leaving the Sports Bar, but something was said to M1 by someone else, and after that there was a major altercation. 240 was in front to effect a clean exit path, and 233 was behind to ensure that M1 left. M1 started fighting with someone else, and 240 came from the front to attempt to break them up. 233 was behind attempting to do that same. 240 was tackled by M1 and someone else into the tables in the Sports bar, and 240 landed at the bottom of the pile. 240 had attempt to effect removal using a Surefire 6P Original flashlight approximately 13cm in length by temporarily blinding M1, and had it in his Right hand at the time 240 was tackled.
After getting hit behind the ear numerous times, 240 swung once with his Right hand, connecting with his fist and torch just over the Right eye of M1, drawing blood. During this time, M1 was screaming “I’m going to fucking kill you, you little cunt…” and after being hit by 240, M1 attempted to back away, saying, “I’m sorry sir, I won’t hit you again, I’m sorry, I’m going away now…” M1 kept repeating this.
During this time, 233 was attempting to get to 240, but kept getting hit in the back of his head by M2. M3 was on top of M1, who was at that stage attempting to remove himself from 240 on the ground.
233 grabbed 240, and affected a tactical withdrawal to decide what the next course of action to take. During this time, M1, M2, M3 and various other [M] and [F] were fighting between themselves. DM XXXX and XXXX were around too. The situation was too volatile at the time to affect any response.
M1 was eventually removed by [M] to the Sports Bar DOSA. 240 was at the door, and M2 came and said, “I’m going to go home and get my gun and come back and kill some people.” 240 told him to jest leave, at which stage M1 and their party came rushing towards the door.
240 was informed later that there was a second fight occurring between 2x [F], no descriptions, at this time.
M1 was finally ejected through the doors, and a full lockdown was immediately organised. Police arrived soon after (no times are available)
240 attended Caboolture Hospital at approximately 0200 on Sunday, 24 August 2008 for headaches, nausea and vomiting, bruising behind his Left ear, a cut approximately 1.5cm on this Right 5th finger above the knuckle and pain and tenderness over his Left thumb knuckle area.
Blood tests and an x-ray are organised for Tuesday, 26 August 2008 by Dr XXXX, XXXX, for Q-Comp. XXXX Security informed.
Incident recorded on CCTV video “2240 23082008 Sports Bar Exit & Pool Tables”
The above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Dated this 26th day of August, 2008
(Added 28 Aug 08 0236)
I'm also finally getting rid of stuff from the ex...decided to attempt to sell it off online...might bring joy to someone else somewhere...
Got my first house inspection in the morning too...first one in three years...so it should be quite interesting...hehe...
Now, on Sunday night, I was supposed to be working at the Sands Tavern to cover a concert...found out that night that it was the Hoodoo Gurus playing live...:D
Since I was taken off the roster (for obvious reasons) at about the time I was trying to post the original post (this has been sitting on my computer since then), the boss said that if I was interested, I could go in as a civvie and just watch the show...why not...:D Managed to get an autographed CD and poster for my troubles...:D :D :D :D :D
I'm going to go fold some clothes now...Spring Cleaning time soon anyway, so just starting a few days early...
Be safe.
Who Is The Black Chinaman?

- Nick
- Kuala Belait, Brunei
- Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world. For days, sometimes weeks afterwards, you walk the streets, making infinite whatever you see. Once, for a few weeks, I couldn't feel the earth - everything I touched became lighter. Horns played in my shoes. Flowers fell from my pockets. You wonder if you've become immortal, as if you've saved your own life as well. God has passed through you. Why deny it, that for a moment there - why deny that for a moment there, God was you? I realised that my training was useful in less than ten percent of the calls, and saving lives was rarer than that. After a while, I grew to understand that my role was less about saving lives than about bearing witness. I was a grief mop. It was enough that I simply turned up. Living and working back in Brunei, after a 14 year absence... Also known as: Brunei, NASA, Bruise-Eye, Bru, Cheesecake, Nick, BruNick, BruMedNick, Two Step etc etc etc
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